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a close up of a decorated tree inside a room

Hint. It’s a trick question.

Who’s the most important person in your life?

Last Sunday I had the pleasure of seeing a client whom I hadn’t seen in nearly a year. It had been way too long. For her, and for me. I enjoy her company. 🙂 She caught me up on all the ups and downs in her life since I last saw her. I was in awe of her optimism, given what she had been through. And her optimism had crescendoed to, ‘This year is going to be all about me!’ I LOVED hearing that! It’s not a sentiment I hear often. Sadly. People are always so busy taking care of others, in one way or another, that they often forget about the most important person in their life. Can you guess who that is? Ya! YOU!!!

Raise your hand if you have ever created a vision board.

A vision board is a tool used to help clarify, concentrate and maintain focus on a specific life goal. Literally, a vision board is any sort of board on which you display images that represent whatever you want to be, do or have in your life.

To name a few, mine includes better eating habits, continued workouts, monthly facials (yes, I see someone else for my own facials). And better work/life balance. This is a big one! Oh, and trying to embrace the abundance of grey hairs I’m beginning to notice. This one will be hard. 😉

Have you ever really thought about what self care means to you?

What does your self care vision board look like?

I would love for you to create your own vision board. One that includes everything meaningful to you when you think about your own self care.

One that will help guide you through 2020, with you as a priority.

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